How to Reshare Post on Instagram to Your Story

Instagram story is one of the best available tools to increase interaction with your followers on Instagram.

Users check accounts before they see Instagram’s posts because it takes a short time.

Also, direct reply ability makes stories more attractive. One of the relatively new features of Instagram is the ability to share posts on Instagram stories.

For example, you see an attractive post that you would like to share with your fans; then you can quickly post them as an Instagram story, and users can tap on it and view the post.

Share posts on the Instagram story and their importance

To share your Instagram posts or other users’ posts on your Instagram Stories, you need to go to your favorite post.

There are some options on this page, including posting, commenting, and sharing posts.

The “Post Sharing” icon is as follows:

Share posts on Instagram story and its importance

In the image above, clicking on the share icon will give you two options:

  • You can easily send the post to other users and share it with specific users
  • You can easily select “Add Post to your story” and add posts to your Instagram story

This feature is essential in Instagram marketing!

Suppose you are responsible for managing a business and you use Instagram to market your products.

Then to introduce your products or services, you share some posts about your business on your page.

But stories are usually more engaging to people than posts! To increase the interaction of your posts, you can share your position in the story and quickly increase the engagement of your posts significantly.

How to share posts on the Instagram story?

To share posts on Instagram Stories, you should use the second option, “Add Post to your story,” shown at the top of the screen below:

  • By clicking on this option, your favorite post will be displayed in your story.
  • By opening the section on creating a new story, that post is displayed as a photo and a caption summary. In general, you can say this post in two ways in the story.

First mode: In this case, only the post image is displayed to the user with the username, Which the user enters the original post by clicking on it.

How to share posts on Instagram story

Second mode: in this case, Your post will appear along with a beautiful box and in addition to username, you’ll see a brief description of the caption inserted below the post.

How to share posts on Instagram story

While creating the story by the method described above, you can use the first or second mode by clicking on the post.

At this step, you can easily add your text or sticker and then share it with users.

If you want to make your post smaller or more significant in a story to add your text or sticker, take a picture with your two fingers and change its size by Zooming out/in. You can also change it and move it to your desired location

Change Instagram Story Background Color

To change the background color of the story, use the pencil tool (pencil icon at the top right).

Different colors will appear at the bottom of the storyboard; Choose your desired color and put the pencil tool on one spot on your mobile screen!

Hold this tool slightly (about a second) on the screen to change the background color.

If you still dislike the created background, repeat the same steps and add another color to your location.

Change Instagram Story Background Color

How do I tag a page where I shared the post from?

Unfortunately, now when you share a feed post, no notifications will be sent to that user!

Although the username of the page appears below the shared post, no messages can be delivered to the primary user) Post Owner ( If you want to send a notification to the user, you must tag that username in your story when you share a post from their page!

To do this, enter the username after the @ character to tag the user in your account.

How do I tag a page where I shared the post fro

You can also use stickers for tagging people. For this purpose (as shown below). Enter the story section and order somebody by selecting the sticker.

Then enter that person’s username in the story. That’s it.

How do I tag a page where I shared the post

When someone is tagged in a story, a mention message will be sent to his/her direct section. when you add the details you want, it’s time to upload it.

Just click “Send to” and then Your Story will be upload on your storyboard.

The advantage of Sharing Posts in Instagram Stories

Every feature on Instagram has benefits for different pages!

The primary purpose of using new features is to increase the interaction between Instagram users.

You should publish your posts in the best possible way to get the most feedback from your followers and other users.

The capability to share posts from the Instagram feed to stories helps you tell users that you have published a new post on your page.

So, they will see it and put some comment or like it. Users click on the feed post that you share in the story and send feedback.

You can quickly increase your page engagement and get good feedback from users.

Note, however, sharing feed posts in Instagram Stories is possible for public pages only, and you can’t do that on private pages!

You cannot share posts from personal pages as your story. The considered position must belong public page.

So, keep in mind that if your page is related to your business and you want to increase the interactivity of your page by sharing posts with users, make sure your page is public and not private.

How to stop users from sharing your Instagram posts in their stories

If you are an Instagram page admin that is not private, Your users and followers can easily share your posts through their story!

Sometimes admins want to block this feature while the page is public; In fact, they want to have a public page, but at the same time, users are not allowed to share their feed posts through the story!

To do this, just go to your Instagram settings:

The advantage of Sharing Posts in Instagram Stories

In this section, disable the “Allow Others to Reshare” option. by disabling this option, only you can share your posts through Stories, and other users will not be able to.

Be sure to pay attention to copyright laws and legal issues when sharing other people’s feed posts

One of the most important issues that users are less careful about is Copyright and legal issues.

Content creators have worked hard for every single post published on Instagram Put yourself in their place!

You have been trying to produce a video for several days, and now the results are fantastic!

Suddenly you will come across an Instagram page that works in your domain, and you see the same video without mention resources (Source is your Instagram page where you published the video!).

This is not a good thing at all. But if they tag your page on the post, your page engagement would increase, and new users will follow you.

How to stop users from sharing your Instagram posts in their stories

Many social networks, such as Facebook and Twitter, have made it possible to repost media to see the post owner account after reposting.

This will let the user know that you are sharing their content and increasing their followers.

In Instagram, users usually do not mention the original page’s username when sharing posts on their story.

And only the username is displayed below that post. This process has virtually no effect on increasing overall page interaction. Users go directly to the original page by clicking on the bar.

This can cause legal and copyright issues sometimes. I suggest sharing feed posts and tag the initial page in your story (Except your page). Thus, you will not get into trouble.

One important note! Sometimes it is not enough to tag pages anymore, and you need permission from the admin to repost and sharing their media!

The administrators of these pages are unwilling to share their page posts for various reasons, and even if you tag them, you still have problems.

So, if you use one page too much, first get permission from the admin and then share the posts with their username and mention them.

Sometimes you will need written consent, and you have to comply with their terms; For example, most pages say you “Do not remove the logo from the media.”

Hi, I'm Alomen; an Instagram and digital marketing expert. This Website shows tutorials, tips, and tricks on how to use Instagram. If you have any questions or problems with Instagram, you can call me with the hashtag #Alomen and I will answer in now time. Sign up for our email newsletter to stay in touch with our Team.
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