How to Clear Instagram Explore Feed

It may sometimes occur to you that irrelevant posts are displayed on the Instagram Explore page against your tastes. In this article, we will explain how to adjust the displayed posts according to your taste.

First, we need to know: What is Instagram Explore?

Instagram Explore is a page that displays posts from pages around the world of Instagram, whether you have followed them or not.

These posts are displayed based on your previous activities as well as the activities of those you have been following.

To access the Explore section, open the Instagram app. You will see several icons at the bottom of the page.

The icon that looks like a magnifying glass and is located between the two house icons and the plus sign is the same part of Instagram Explore.


In the past, instead of the Instagram Explore tab, there was another Instagram tab called the Popular Instagram Page.

This page featured the most visited and most liked posts, but since the more followers you have on Instagram, the more likes and visits you have, Selena Gomez was the undisputed leader.

But with the passage of time and the replacement of the Instagram Explore page instead of the Popular Page, there is no longer the constant presence of celebrities on this page, and anyone who creates higher quality and more engaging content for the audience can view their content on other users’ Instagram Explore page.


What is the importance of being on the Instagram Explore page?

Trying to get on the Instagram Explore page is not just about increasing your audience, but the ultimate goal is to use this tool to grow your personal brand with more leaps and bounds.

Being on this page, along with brand recognition, pursuing a successful strategy to attract new audiences and ultimately increase sales.

As we said, Page Explore algorithms select posts based on personal tastes.

On the other hand, by placing your business posts on the Explore page, you will have the opportunity to expose your posts to new audiences.

With this feature, every new user you attract introduces you to a new group of friends of the same taste as him, and there is no news of being exposed to random people.

It can be said that the most important thing about business is that getting to the Explore page will not cost any money for brand owners and will only depend on your taste and creativity.

The Explore page is a marketing funnel. Being on the Explore page makes users aware of your page.

You can also attract real customers by producing attractive photos and videos.

The most important thing after attracting the audience is to introduce your brand to them by making the right decisions.

We suggest you read the following article to get acquainted with this page:

The Perfect Guide to Getting on the Instagram Explore Page

How does Instagram show the posts shown in our Explorer?

Instagram is very smart; If you act by following, commenting, liking, or even quietly viewing page posts, Instagram considers the content of that page as one of your tastes.

All the efforts of Instagram in the Explore section are to display the user’s favorite posts and increase the presence of users on Instagram.

Instagram Explore tab is based on the customer interest algorithm. Due to this issue, of course, the Instagram function of the content of the Explore page is loaded based on the following items.


To see how the content in your Instagram Explore has been uploaded to you, click on the post you want on the Explore page and see the small Instagram help in this regard at the end of the post.

You can see some examples below:

  • Based on the accounts you interact with.


  • Based on the posts you have saved.


  • Based on the videos you watched.


  • Based on the account you follow.


  • Base on the posts you have shared.


  • Base on the posts you liked.


  • Based on Instagram suggested


Of course, there is probably another issue: the content liked by your followers and close friends, and whether this is true or not is still in a haze of ambiguity.

How to Reset Your Instagram Explore Feed Manually By Marking Posts You Don’t Like

To do this, you must follow the steps below:

  • 1- Go to your Instagram Explore page
  • 2- Find one post you don’t like.


  • 3- In the upper part of the post and on the right side of it, there are three points; tap on it

  • 4- Now, tap Not Interested in This Post. This will mark the post you don’t like.

  • 5-after that you will see this message


Do this again for other posts that are not close to your taste.


NOTE! The important point is that no matter how much you clean and it does not come close to your taste again, with think that is because Instagram considers your taste and your friends as one by default. For this reason, we suggest that you share this article with your friends so that they can do the same.

Resetting your Instagram explore feed manually can take time. If you want to know how to do that better and quicker, you can use the next method.

What is the use of Instagram Explore?

It can be said that Instagram Explore is the most important trick of this company to engage the audience.

If you did not have such a feature in the Instagram app, after a few minutes of seeing your followers’ posts and no longer seeing a new post or story from your friends, you would leave the app, which is to the detriment of Instagram.

Whats the meaning of Explore on Instagram

Instagram makes every effort to engage you more with the content offered.

It does not even allow linking in posts so that you do not leave it and go to another platform.

What good is Instagram Explore to us?

We must say that Instagram Explore is one of the best places for Instagram to increase real followers and attract targeted users to your business.

In fact, by placing your page on Instagram or Explore, you should expect a huge flood of followers to your page.

The more contacts your business has, the more profit you will make and the higher your income will be.


The more you are seen, the more you sell. So do your best to put your posts in the Instagram Explore tab.

This is very beneficial for your business, and you can attract real users and do not worry that your efforts will be wasted because deleting Instagram Explore will not work in any way now or in the future.

Delete Instagram Explore tab

There is no way to delete this tab because this tab is part of the main structure of this program, and on the other hand, it increases the retention of users in this social network and consequently increases its revenue.

Therefore, it is impossible to delete Instagram Explore in this application, and users must comply.


This article explains how to Reset and clear Your Instagram Explore Feed.

With the mentioned methods, you can prevent the appearance of posts that do not suit your taste as much as possible.

Put your comments, suggestions, and criticisms about this article in the comments section.

Hi, I'm Alomen; an Instagram and digital marketing expert. This Website shows tutorials, tips, and tricks on how to use Instagram. If you have any questions or problems with Instagram, you can call me with the hashtag #Alomen and I will answer in now time. Sign up for our email newsletter to stay in touch with our Team.
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